Now I have to learn how to bridge network adapters in VirtualBOX so I can join a homegroup with my physical network or I'm going to be doing a lot of uploading and downloading of very large video files from OneDrive or DropBox. Probably would help to upgrade my machine to 32 GB of RAM as well so the VM can have 16 GB all to itself. So if Microsoft doesn't come up with a fix for this problem I'll have to buy another Win 10 Home product key and run my PP presentations from there. This is a Live Office account so I can install on up to 5 machines.
I installed Win 10 Home on VirtualBOX on my main PC and Power Point works fine from there. All my other Office applications work fine. The link above says one may have to wait 30 days until a shim is available so if anybody has the same problems cropping up you may have to run your presentations on another machine temporarily. I installed the latest drivers for my GTX 770 adapter, made sure Win 10 Pro is fully updated. This problem just started yesterday as Power Point worked fine before this.
The Advanced feature in File/Options is grayed out and unavailable in Safe Mode. I ran the offCAT tool and it says the hardware acceleration for my graphics adapter has been disabled. I'm leaving this post for the next guy coming behind me. ! Looks like the problem went away on its own, Power Point now opens normally on my main machine.